About Me

Hello! I'm Maris.

In case it’s not impeccably clear from the rest of my portfolio, I love challenges. I believe that they are what make you grow and develop into a better version of yourself. Through struggle, we have a greater capacity to learn. And learning is one of the things I love most.

Every problem is a puzzle, and knowlege is the key to unlocking the answer. Recently, I’ve been learning a lot about human interaction, body language, and the psychology behind it all. I feel that this will be a great asset to me in my career as I build relationships and present work to clients.

Another thing I love (or maybe it’s a personality flaw) is efficiency. I’m constantly looking for new ways to make my life and my work more efficient.

In my downtime, you can find me rock climbing, weight lifting, traveling, playing board games, playing VR games, hanging out with my pets (2 cats and my dog), or experimenting with food. Who doesn’t love to eat?! I also love nutrition and all the science behind it. If I weren’t a designer, I’d be in nutrition science.

I pride myself on being an early adopter. I love trying out new software and technology. I will beta test almost anything! And I love giving feedback.

In general, I’m pretty goofy, down-to-earth, and try not to take myself too seriously. I’m an extreme empath, and because of that, I try to treat everyone fairly and with respect.

For some more in-depth info about what makes me tick:

Personality Type: INFJ
StrengthsFinder: Achiever, Empathy, Developer, Connectedness, Positivity